Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Image: 'Commie Demotivational Poster'
Taken From:

Throughout the course of history the media has been a tool used by many to sway the minds of the public and manipulate people into thinking in a certain way. This chapter discusses one of the masters of manipulation, Mr. Joe McCarthy. He utilized the media in his campaign against communism which was riddled with fear tactics and had the public frightened by a senator of their own government. Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said that the only thing we have to fear, is it fear itself. Joe McCarthy really ran with this idea because he realized how powerful an emotion fear is. Through scaring people into thinking that there were subversives inside the government plotting against the United States he pushed the republican party right into office. With people scared out of their wits no one would dare to defy his accusations of noble American citizens. In the end however the media struck back with equal and  opposite force and left him to do his own undoing. In the public eye Edward R. Murrow through extensive reporting exposed the degree to which McCarthy lied to the people of the United States and other people began to question and lash out at the mad McCarthy. Inevitably the Army took him to court and he was eventually censured on live television. His demeanor and lack of respect for the people really shone through and after people saw him for who he really was he was exiled from society and died several years after from liver disease.

Author: Unknown 
Image: 'FDR in HDR'
taken from:

FDR's famous inaugural speech

It really is amazing how true the statement is that if you abuse something, it will abuse you. Now, I've always heard this statement be made when referring to drug or alcohol abuse but it can really be tied to just about anything. So considering how blatantly McCarthy held this country in a state of terror by manipulating the media and by abusing his power as senator it is really no surprise that the people stood up against his antics and in the end brought justice to him and hung him out to dry with the same tool he used for his evil. I do give credit to McCarthy for getting the republican party into office after twenty years. Although his methods were unethical and immoral for what  he did to the people of his own country he did sway the minds of an entire country. And to some, the ends justifies the means like Machiavelli once said. This idea of succeeding in your goal by any means necessary is a cutthroat, vicious way to an endpoint but it proves that it can be useful depending on whether or not you want to sell your soul to the devil.

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